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The Victory of the Righteous: a New Cycle for the Goddess Pallas Athena

Figure 1: Ancient Greek Coin (Gold) 323 BC: Helmeted Head of Athena

In just one day from today, on the 25th of May, the world will feel the full presence of the Goddess Athena! Athena is one of the great divinities of the divine light – she is a friend to humanity, the bringer of victory for the righteous, success, happiness, ingenuity, faithful love and masculine initiative.

Athena one of the forms that the planet Venus takes on in our sky. When Venus can be seen in the morning sky, she is manifesting herself as Athena – more information about morning/evening visibility of planets and stars can be found under my blog “the heliacal phases” linked below (2). However, this phase of Venus is only one of the places where Athena can be found in the sky. She is also found in the first 5degrees of Sidereal Aries, which is the last 5degrees of tropical Aries (tropical is the zodiac that modern astrologers use).

When the morning Venus reaches this part of the zodiac, Athena is entering her own palace – gathering her arms, putting on her helmet, lifting her spear and shield and gathering her armies of light. The doors to righteousness are opening and will remain open until the end of September when Venus goes invisible. This is a time for beginning a successful project, campaign or relationship and reaping the rewards of the battles we’ve fought in the darkness!

Eclipse season brought up many spiritual challenges for us to face, both desires and fears and the opportunity has come for us to gather the spiritual strength to defeat the challenges in our path with Humility, Love, Strength and Wisdom. The best time for this is the whole week ahead from the 23rd of May all the way to the 1st of June, but this energy will continue over the next 4 months.

Figure 2: Venus Enters Babylonian Aries and Her own Constellation!

The last time we experienced this energy was in May of 2019, so if you think back to those times you may start to get a feeling for what is in store for us these coming months. If I am to make predictions, I would say that the world conflict situation will continue to ease and the side who fights for the “right” will emerge victorious, although the hidden powers (Pluto square) will be opposing it as much as they can.

Manipulation of the world economy is likely continue due to the active square of Pluto, however the sextile of Saturn to Venus indicates slow improvements and occult knowledge becoming more widespread. There are no other significant aspects to the ingress of Venus into Babylonian Aries. This is simply a cursory prediction, we should watch carefully what unravels on the world stage to understand this event more clearly.


Figure 1: Nauman Numismatics, online auction 117 lot 228:

2. ‘Heliacal Phases – the Many Gods in our Sky’

Figure 3: Venus rising as Athena in Sydney on the 25th of May

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