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The Path of Every Hero

The true spiritual path of all beings is to conquer their lower nature and return to the pure source which created them.

The divine Plato said in his Cratylus, “What better name for the Heroes? After all, they are ones who are born of Love.”

He refers to the root of the word ‘Heros’ in Greek being ‘eros’ the primordial God of Love who created all things in the universe. In the Neoplatonic view, a hero is not simply a bold warrior or a great general or king. A hero is actually the name for the spiritual masters of the time. In fact it is said that when great ‘heroes’ in Greece died, they were called great snakes. This is the title of the Buddha in India – a spiritual master!

The way I see things, each and every one of us has the potential to be a hero. That’s why we call it ‘the hero’s journey’. Which of course is the journey of Hercules depicted above through the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is also the many other stories of heros which are painted in the sky and have astrological meanings.

So let’s clear up one thing! The true nature of a hero is to conquer himself – his lower self – and embrace his highest incarnation which spreads love, purity, peace and selflessness. This is symbolised in the purification of Hercules. Hercules was not literally the strongest man to have every lived, but his will, courage and humility were the strongest to have ever existed. After all, he was a son of Zeus himself! Plato also says that we each have an affinity for one of the Gods in the greek pantheon and our soul is part of a group belonging to that God.

One clue to the God we belong to is the Almuten of your astrological chart! I offer this as a staple part of a reading with me, but we won’t go into it now. The key to all of this is that the events of Hercules’ life – or any hero or God for that matter – did not happen literally. They are symbols, deep and profound, of the spiritual journey every good man and woman must walk.

The emperor Julian himself said that even we so called ‘heathens’ don’t actually think that our mythology really happened. We are fully aware that they are symbolic of the journey of our spirit essence through the cycles of incarnation in this world and worlds beyond. Each of the twelve trials of Hercules corresponds to one of the signs of the zodiac.

According to Master Mikhail Aivanhov,

The trial of the great Boar of Erymanthus corresponds to the sign of Aries.

The trial of the Cretan Bull corresponds to the sign of Taurus

The trial of the King Diomedes is Gemini

The trial of the Ogre of Geryon is Cancer

The trial of the Nemean Lion is Leo

The trial of the Amazons is of course Virgo

The trial of the golden apples is Libra

The trial of the Hydra of Lerna is Scorpio

The trial of the Stymphalian birds is Sagittarius

The trial of the Brazen Hind is Capricorn

The trial of the Augean Stables is Aquarius

The trial of Theseus delivered from Hades is Pisces.

These are all debatable in different ways.

For example, I would say that Hydra of Lerna is in fact the sign of Cancer. Because when the sun (which is Hercules) enters the sign of Cancer, he is actually directly facing the head of the constellation of the Hydra. Behind the sun at this point is the constellation of Cancer (it’s still technically in the sign, but not the stars exactly) which is the crab. In the myth, Hercules faces the hydra head on with a torch and sword while a crab snips at his heels from behind.

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