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7 Reasons Why One Reading Can Change Your Life Forever

Click here for the free guide to each of the LORDS of the chart and a taste of what a full reading is like! (Almuten Guide)

Reason Number 1: My readings are grounded in HOW you can work with the challenges you’re being faced with and how you can make the most of your blessings. I also help you to see things from the most spiritual perspective! Ancient astrology shows us many deep spiritual truths and how we are each related to them.

With this wisdom I’ll not only help you put your life in context and work with each blessings and challenge, but also share the timeless spiritual wisdom of our ancient forefathers.

Reason Number 2: The purpose of our ancient art is to liberate the soul from suffering. This depth allows me to show you the true spiritual meaning behind events in your life. I can show you when your soul was or will be tested, how it was/will be tested and how you can use these times (challenges and great successes) to be less attached to the material world!

Vettius Valens said, “The purpose of astrology is to give us peace at all times. When you know your future you will not be depress

ed by misfortune or over-excited by good fortune. You will find peace regardless of the circumstances.”

Reason Number 3: Unless you’ve been living under a rock – like me five years ago – you know that your astrology is the blueprint of your very SOUL!

What that means is that it will not change as long as you live in the body you’re in now. Therefore, any information that is given to you in a reading will be relevant for your whole life in one form or another.

Reason Number 4: Astrology provides insight into your psychology, trauma, upbringing and deeper wounds that years of therapy struggles to uncover. I went through years of research, self reflection and formal therapy in order to come to the same conclusion I was given in just ONE 45minute astrology session!

How’s that for unfair!!!

Reason Number 5: I will help you to ZOOM OUT and see your life in terms of the karmic lessons you were born to learn. This is an amazing way to improve your self-compassion, understanding and self-love!

Once I started studying ancient astrology I was able to see the events in my life in the proper perspective and accept that they happened for my BLESSING rather than my pain. Because I know my future I understand my past and am peace with my present.

Reason Number 6: The information involved in a reading is very quickly and easily communicated. Meaning that in the space of 1hour we can cover many of the major themes of your life and you’ll have it all recorded to review as many times as you like!

Reason Number 7: Ancient astrology gives a fantastic and simple template to start breaking down the themes in your life: were you born in the day or the night time?

Knowing this one factor instantly tells me where to look for your greatest blessing and your greatest challenge in this life and how to harness each one of them!

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Surviving A Progressed Moon in Scorpio

Let me know your experience down below!✨ Progressed moons to Scorpio and Capricorn are the hardest! That’s why I want to share my experience on my blog.

For those who haven’t heard before, the progressed moon🌙is on a 28year cycle through all 12 signs and spends about 2.5years in each sign⚡️

This calculation shows how our consciousness☀️ develops over the period of our lives from birth.

My progressed moon has been in Scorpio for most of the time that I have diligently studied astrology🧐 and it’s fucking HARD!

The moon does not feel comfortable in the sign of Scorpio – Scorpio rules suffering, trauma, psychology and taboos and secrets😶‍🌫️

The moon🌛rules vulnerability, flow, compassion, leadership, social gatherings and other things that are generally positive and stable (Think Taurus)🤯

During this time (the last two years) I have had to face some great shadows and traumas that I pushed into my unconscious mind. Scorpio rules the unconscious, repressed side of our nature.

Early on in the period I faced some fairly mundane experiences which brought out my anger and feelings of disempowerment related to the power structures in our world. Scorpio rules power struggles and hidden rage. But this was only preparing for what was to come! The real journey would take me back into the deep dark corners of my personal life. Oh goodness. The personal life of a Gemini-Leo? No one wants to look there! But I will take you where even angels fear to tread💫

6 months into the period I ended a relationship which I had started optimistically in the 2yr Libra period preceding Scorpio and realised I had some unhealed trauma which was still affecting me. Scorpio rules trauma and ending or deepening of relationship commitments. Soon after this I began meditating deeply everyday for half an hour. I was focussing on my sexual chi and opening the channels in my spine which would help me purify that energy into spiritual light. Self control and suppression of desires. Further themes of Scorpio.

During this 1month period of intense work I frequently dream of and felt the presence of an ex girlfriend from years prior who I had left after she had been unfaithful. Scorpio rules betrayal, taboos and sex. So you can see the themes playing our already. Especially as this repressed traumatic material began to push itself to the surface again. I reflected for a long time about the experience, writing poetry, journal, talking to friends and going over old videos and messages to process my experience. As you can imagine the trauma in infidelity takes a lot longer to heal than just 1 month. That’s why this Scorpio period is 2.5years!

Now believe me or not, but after one month of processing I received a message request in my inbox. “Probably another sex account.” I told myself opening Instagram on the bus at 4:30pm on the spring equinox of 2020. I couldn’t have been more wrong. There she was, name and picture sitting in my inbox like we’d only said goodbye the day before. I should also mention that this was the day of Mercury retrograde starting that year. Spooky, right? 👻

We talked quite a lot for the next two months and I slowly, slowly was confronted with the reality of what I’d been through. There was no easy fix. No duct tape to repair things – neither myself nor the relationship. Only the natural process of death and rebirth, healing through grief and eventually letting go. Scorpio rules death, grieving and the decomposing process of dying. Whether that’s literal or emotional or spiritual.

I had to let the person I used to be die.

I had to go through the painful process of grieving every loss, coming to terms with all of my suppressed rage and hate, self blame, need for control and other countless pieces of emotional fallout I had never quite cleaned up.

Suffice to say our friendship didn’t last the grieving process. Scorpio rules relationships ending. For about ten months I conducted my inner personal putrefaction process alone. Reading about the nature of the trauma, what recovery looked like and the myriads of other people’s experiences who had come through the other side of an event second only in pain perhaps to the death of a child.

As I come towards the end of my progressed moon in Scorpio period, I’ve been focussing on the personal psychological work I’ve needed to do on myself to regain the lost parts of myself. Scorpio rules psychology. Changing the deep neuronal patterns of our brains. It also rules rebirth… the final decan of Scorpio rules the process of allowing a dying body to rot away and become one with the earth again.

Except I’m still in my body! As you can imagine it’s not so easy to go through (emotionally) when you’re still alive. The water signs Pisces and Scorpio are very karmic signs and require us to surrender to their processes one way or another. Scorpio is about excavating dark hidden secrets and desires. Going through the dark tunnel to get to the light on the other side which is Sagittarius. The final light before winter.

Also this period has been in my tenth house… that’s why you’re reading it online 😇🤦‍♂️ tenth house rules public honours, the stage and career.

Again if you got to the end, let me know your progressed moon experiences down below! The juicier the better 🎃