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Destinies of Kings and Queens: The Power of the Four Royal Stars

There are four stars which light the way to the greatest of destinies. These stars are Regulus, the King, (5*5’ Leo Babylonian Zodiac – Fagan Allen sidereal) Aldebaran (15*0’ Taurus Babylonian zodiac – Fagan Allen Sidereal) Antares (15*5’ Scorpio Babylonian Zodiac) and Fomalhaut (9*05’ Aquarius Babylonian Zodiac). For births in the 20th century, add approximately 24.5degrees to the sidereal position to find its tropical location. So, Regulus is around 29*35’ tropical Leo and so on for the other stars.

Many people know of these stars but know absolutely nothing about how to use them in astrology. Considering these are the four most important stars in the sky, it’s about time we rectified that!

These are the stars of the most famous destinies – however how can they manifest? There are certainly a lot of people with one of these stars within 2-3degrees of their ascendant or MC and they’re not all extremely famous or influential people! In fact, there are even more people with a planet close by to these stars, so what’s the deal with them?

There are a lot of questions to be answered and important principles to be clarified and I will not be able to address them all in one article. However, I will address the main ones and hope you each can take away the most important points! These will include the importance of the 5/6/7 Hylegial places or places of life, the necessity for exactness and the nature of each star.

So, what are these Hylegial places? They are the places of most importance in any chart which need to be analysed thoroughly. These are the ascendant (Easter horizon), midheaven (Arc of the meridian), the descendant (West horizon), the Imum Coeli (IC/Lower meridian), the Sun, the Moon and I will also add the pre-natal Syzygy (full/new moon before birth). These are the most important places to begin interpreting in any chart and in fact more than 90% of the information about a chart is found in these places and their aspects. Astrology is simple when you know what you’re doing! If any of these positions are in exact conjunction with a royal star you will find a most famous and notable, lucky destiny.

What do I mean by exact conjunction? I would say an exact conjunction is exact to the degree and the minute. However, since I have never seen this in a chart and neither will you because it is so rare, for this sake an exact conjunction will be within +/15 minutes from a royal star. This is 1 quarter of a degree either side – very exact! However, we can extend this to 30-45minutes +/-the star in question, however the further away we get the weaker is the influence and the influence drops quickly!

I will illustrate this with some example charts:

Shia Labeouf: Descendant 13minutes from Regulus

My own Chart with the East horizon 20-30minutes from Regulus:

The chart of my Teacher Rumen Kolev with the sun 2.5degrees from Antares:

Pablo Picasso’s chart with moon 10minutes from Antares:

You can see the difference in power by just a few degrees or even less. Of course, my own destiny has barely even begun, but nevertheless the difference of only 15-25minutes with Shia LeBeouf is curious indeed. My teacher who is one of the primary astrological scholars of this age compared with Pablo Picasso’s chart. Obvious you all know Shia LeBeouf and Pablo Picasso… how many people know of us humble astrologers! I think I’ve made my point. Of course there is much more going on in these charts than just the royal stars, however they are good examples for this article.

Lastly are multiple conjunctions with one star. Say someone is born with a royal star in the ascending degree or close by (even within ten degrees) AND the sun or the moon is in the ten-degree zone around the powerful star, this creates a powerhouse chart. Each royal star will produce individual effects, but their energy is amplified by the power of the luminary in an angle. I will show some charts below which illustrate this.

Yogananda (author of autobiography of a Yogi): Moon+Regulus in Ascendant.

Pablo Escobar: Sun with MC and Antares

J.R.R Tolkien – Author of the Lord of the Rings: Moon with Fomalhaut in 7th house

Napoleon Bonaparte: Sun with Regulus near MC

I have yet to come across a chart with a luminary and Aldebaran in an angle, so I can’t share any here. However, each of the other royal stars is illustrated so you can get an idea of what they indicate. Antares can be criminal – kings/queens of the underworld – Regulus is royal – kings/queens or royalty in the literal sense. Those who mingle in high society – and Fomalhaut is artistic – kings/queens of the artistic world.

Now onto the characteristics of each royal star.

Let’s start with my favourite, Regulus. This is the star of royalty and in Mesopotamia was called ‘Lugal’ which means king. He is literally the star of the kings, queens, and nobility. I have read for several modern day ‘aristocrats’ who had Regulus in MC or AC conjunct the moon! Also, one of my personal friends was born with the Sun only 5minutes from Regulus in the fifth house and her father is an incredibly rich tech-company owner – modern day aristocracy!

Regulus is a kingly star, of leadership and inspiration for many followers. There are many astrologers who have this star because all the stars of astrology are also in Leo. If you have a Hylegial place near Regulus, even within several degrees, you will be successful, a leader, wealthy, entrepreneurial, with a certain amount of fame and a good reputation in your given field. Regulus falls under the influence of Jupiter and Mars – the planetary combination for great leaders!

Aldebaran is the primary star of wealth in the zodiac. Hermes states it is the luckiest of the lucky and the richest of the rich. Natives with star are wealthy, enjoying luxury and material ease in their life. All billionaires are connected to this star in some way or another – it is uncanny. This is the star of America, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Bruce Springsteen, and many others who I will name in another article specifically about Aldebaran and how it appears in different charts. It is under the rulership of Venus and Mars – so anyone with Aldebaran will also enjoy many love affairs and many suitors. People with Aldebaran will have many love affairs – the women will beautiful and the men magnetic.

Antares is the least fortunate of the royal stars because it is a restless star of war, conflict, and rebellion. Of course, natives with Antares powerful will be as influential and powerful as those with regulus or Aldebaran or Fomalhaut, but they take a more difficult path. Their work is in the shadows, often hidden from sight and they face many dangers and challenges along their road. They do not walk the paths set out by society and they’re often outcast from the mainstream. Antares makes great scholars and researchers, great truth seekers, fighters and even criminals. He is ruthless, restless, in the end successful and rabble-rousing. Comes up against great obstacles and overcomes them against the odds. This is a powerful star for those on a spiritual path – as we all know if we seek the truth, we must find it on our own, not even our own master or the greatest angel can help us. Such is the wisdom of Antares. However, if the irascibility of this star is not counteracted by a strong spiritual inclination it will create criminals. This star is under Jupiter and Mars, with an emphasis on Mars.

Fomalhaut is the star of artistic spirituality. This star doesn’t necessarily make people rich, but it makes them deeply spiritual and creative. They will be imbued with a deep creative talent which comes from visionary inspiration – Fomalhaut is the star of divine inspiration. These people have well developed psychic centres, especially if the sacred zone of Aquarius is also activated. They channel through music, images and writing to express their experiences and understanding of the divine world’s above. Fomalhaut is a pure star under the rulership of Venus and Mercury making it a priestly star.

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Heliacal Phases: the Many Gods in Our Sky

Figure 1: Babylonian Seal – Mythological Depiction of Sunrise Between two Mountains

In order to understand the magical world of our ancient ancestors, we must understand the way they saw the world: as a realm under God’s creation in which all things exist, demons, angels, gods, animals, kings, criminals, magicians, warriors, love, betrayal, defeat, victory and so on. All of these different beings were present on earth AND in the sky in the form of planets, constellations, individual stars, stellar phenomena etc.

So each planet is associated with more than one divinity – and each of these divinities is shown through the planets heliacal phase. Roll credits.

Just kidding. This is a big topic which requires a lot of technical knowledge and remains an incomplete field, however I will do my best to elucidate these mysteries in this post.

The term ‘heliacal’ refers to the name ‘Helios’ the ancient Greek name for the Sun. So heliacal means, ‘to do with the Sun’. So a heliacal phase refers to the relationship of a planet’s position in the sky to the position of the Sun. The inner planets (Venus and Mercury) have different heliacal phases than the outer planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn); this is too complicated for me to explain here, it is enough just to know it for now.

The main two phases that the planets have are as ‘evening stars’ or as ‘morning stars’. Imagine you are an ancient priest who is watching the sky – how are the planets going to appear? They will look like rapidly moving stars! When the planets change phase they will either appear in the morning (before sunrise) or in the evening (after sunset), hence the term evening or morning star.

The way to understand this astrologically is illustrated in figures 2 and 3 below. If a planet is earlier than the sun in the order of the signs (sun is in Taurus and Venus is in Aries), then it is a morning star. If it is later in the signs than the Sun (Sun in Taurus and Venus in Gemini), then it is an evening star.

Figure 2: Sunrise in Blue Circle, Morning star(s) in Red
Figure 3: Sunset in Red Circle, Evening Stars in Blue and Morning Stars in Green

Keep in mind that the first house and the seventh house are the horizons and anything beneath them is beneath the earth and cannot be seen, but anything above these two houses can be seen. In figure 3, Jupiter Mars and Saturn won’t be seen until they rise above the horizon in 6-8hours, whereas Venus and the moon will be seen above the sunset for several more hours before sinking below the earth.

So now that the basic concept is out of the way what does it all mean???

Venus: Morning star is Athena – masculine, forward moving, loyal in love, victorious/warlike. Ruling in Leo.

Evening star is Aphrodite – feminine, unstable in love, focus on beauty, romance and sex, magnetic. Ruling in Taurus.

Mercury: Morning star is Apollo – artistic, right brain, poetic, storytelling, creative, divine inspiration. Rules in Virgo?

Evening star is Hermes – intellectual, left brain, analytical, detail oriented. Rules in Gemini

Mars: Morning star is Hephaestus – Victory in war/conflict, athletics, forging/building, controlled passion, channeled anger.

Evening star is Ares the God of bloodshed – destructive, chaotic, unrestrained anger, issues with police, criminals or military, war.

Jupiter morning star is Zeus – social advancement, acquisition of riches, glory and fame, entering high society .

Evening star is Hera – Charitable, advancement to ‘give back’, helping the unprotected or needy.

Saturn morning star is Ninurta, the dark hero – Mature, serious, strong boundaries, desiring power/control, controlled fears, slow progress

Evening star is Anzu the Devil-bird – Suspicious, hateful, holding grudges for a long time, ruthless, insecure, fearful

This is a good introduction to the different phases of the planets. In the next post I will cover the invisible planets and what each one indicates and how to identify it in a chart. Until then, go with Apollo and Athena at your back!

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The Victory of the Righteous: a New Cycle for the Goddess Pallas Athena

Figure 1: Ancient Greek Coin (Gold) 323 BC: Helmeted Head of Athena

In just one day from today, on the 25th of May, the world will feel the full presence of the Goddess Athena! Athena is one of the great divinities of the divine light – she is a friend to humanity, the bringer of victory for the righteous, success, happiness, ingenuity, faithful love and masculine initiative.

Athena one of the forms that the planet Venus takes on in our sky. When Venus can be seen in the morning sky, she is manifesting herself as Athena – more information about morning/evening visibility of planets and stars can be found under my blog “the heliacal phases” linked below (2). However, this phase of Venus is only one of the places where Athena can be found in the sky. She is also found in the first 5degrees of Sidereal Aries, which is the last 5degrees of tropical Aries (tropical is the zodiac that modern astrologers use).

When the morning Venus reaches this part of the zodiac, Athena is entering her own palace – gathering her arms, putting on her helmet, lifting her spear and shield and gathering her armies of light. The doors to righteousness are opening and will remain open until the end of September when Venus goes invisible. This is a time for beginning a successful project, campaign or relationship and reaping the rewards of the battles we’ve fought in the darkness!

Eclipse season brought up many spiritual challenges for us to face, both desires and fears and the opportunity has come for us to gather the spiritual strength to defeat the challenges in our path with Humility, Love, Strength and Wisdom. The best time for this is the whole week ahead from the 23rd of May all the way to the 1st of June, but this energy will continue over the next 4 months.

Figure 2: Venus Enters Babylonian Aries and Her own Constellation!

The last time we experienced this energy was in May of 2019, so if you think back to those times you may start to get a feeling for what is in store for us these coming months. If I am to make predictions, I would say that the world conflict situation will continue to ease and the side who fights for the “right” will emerge victorious, although the hidden powers (Pluto square) will be opposing it as much as they can.

Manipulation of the world economy is likely continue due to the active square of Pluto, however the sextile of Saturn to Venus indicates slow improvements and occult knowledge becoming more widespread. There are no other significant aspects to the ingress of Venus into Babylonian Aries. This is simply a cursory prediction, we should watch carefully what unravels on the world stage to understand this event more clearly.


Figure 1: Nauman Numismatics, online auction 117 lot 228:

2. ‘Heliacal Phases – the Many Gods in our Sky’

Figure 3: Venus rising as Athena in Sydney on the 25th of May

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Conjunctions in Ancient Astrology

Figure 1: Artistic Drawing of the Babylonian Astrolabe (5500BC)

The beauty of the ancient system is in its simplicity. Every piece in ancient astrology is a perfectly sculpted brick which looks boring and even childish on its own, but once they’ve been stacked properly and melded together with the right mortar, they make an incredible structure which towers over all others!

For this reason, I want to provide each of these building blocks one by one and today I will cover the conjunctions and what they manifest in a chart. This is also a clue into understanding what occurs when two planets are mixed by any aspect. The best start for the conjunctions is through the teaching of Hermes on the fixed stars where each star is ruled by a combination of two planets – apart from pollux which is only under Mars.

The stars of wealth are ruled by Saturn and Jupiter

The stars of leadership are ruled by Jupiter and Mars

The stars of spirituality are ruled by Venus and Mercury

The stars of nobility/manners are ruled by Venus and Jupiter

The stars of scholars or liars (depending on day or night chart) are ruled by Mars and Mercury

The star of greatest luck is under Venus and Mars

The stars of artists and writers are under Mercury and Jupiter

The stars of secret knowledge and astrology are under Venus and Saturn

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, therefore, gives wealth.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars – leadership.

The conjunction of Venus and Mercury – spirituality.

The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter – high ethics.

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury at night gives scholars and, in the day, gives liars.

The conjunction of Venus and Mars is sexual or “horny” – a quality of the wealth star Aldebaran, the only star under Venus/Mars.

The conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter creates artists and eloquent speakers/writers.

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn gives a love for spiritual knowledge (astrology).

Remember the Hays of each planet as well – in other words is the chart a day or night chart – and we gain more insight into the influence of the stars/conjunctions for the specific individual.

Saturn and Jupiter at night is worse because these are day planets, and the wealth is delayed by approx. 1 Saturn return (30years). In a day chart, the native is born into wealth.

Mercury and Mars are better at night because they are nocturnal (night) planets and creates scholars. Whereas the day mars/mercury gives liars, con-men and people who forge documents.

I will continue with the rest of the conjunctions below drawing from the ancient text “mathesis” by Julius Firmicus Maternus as well as my own experience and interpretation. You should go and test this teaching for yourself and find out the many hidden secrets I cannot share here, for they are many!

Saturn and Mars: They create people of a perfect temperament, seriousness, morals and restraint because the stars are opposite in nature, and they balance each other out. However, it takes them a long time to decide if they ever do and they often give up on projects before they are complete.

Saturn and Sun: Creates enmity from the native towards their own father. In a night chart it may kill the father or see him fall from grace. makes farmers who gain wealth over time from increasing harvests. A melancholy and boring personality.

Saturn and Venus: Astrologers. Misfortune in marriage, marriage and children later in life.

Saturn and Mercury: Genius, hearing or speech impairment, rigid opinions, and a silent nature.

Saturn and moon: at night: Great fears, destruction of the mother and the mother’s possessions – bad Saturn manifests in the emotions. By day however, good Saturn will manifest in the emotions (seriousness, maturity, ambition etc.).

Jupiter Mars: leadership, fame, glory, inspirational, authority, high positions, military command.

Jupiter Sun: if Jupiter is visible, good fortune from the moment of birth bestowed from their parents. If Jupiter is invisible, trouble with sponsors, religious and political struggles.

Jupiter Venus: Charm, manners, faithful friendships, “those who observe the commandments of all religions with an upright faith.” Benefits from notable women and a fortunate, faithful marriage.

Jupiter Mercury: Good advisors, eloquence, wisdom, noble minded and revered in public, glorious public speakers.

Jupiter moon: Greatest good fortune without limit (especially in day births).

Mars Sun: destruction of the father, loss of his wealth and assets, wounds from iron, fire, sharp objects or in the eyes. Can cause madness if it’s a strong conjunction in an angle (powerful house) with no aspects from good planets.

Mars Venus: Passion, sex, relationships, many suitors, strong sex drive, worst case scenario is accusations of infidelity and public scandals because of this (day chart, bad aspects, powerful house).

Mars Mercury: men of great learning or liars and fraudsters., if Venus is added to the mix it can create homosexual charts.

Mars and Moon: rash and brave individuals who reach success quickly but live a short life.

Sun and Venus: If Venus is invisible, relationship karma, misfortunes and confusion in love, difficulty with employment or obsession with money. If visible in the same sign as the sun, fame and good reputation and an easy life so long as Venus is morning star in a day chart and evening star in a night chart.

Venus and Mercury: spirituality, priests, those who predict the future, sweet and charming words and speech, lyrical musicians and poets. In the best case, divine inspiration.

Venus and Moon: beautiful and virtuous individuals who attain a high position through friends. Unstable marriages

Moon and Mercury: great teachers, quick and skilled learners. Natural talent for wisdom and study especially if mercury is visible. A wise mother who experiences scandals from her choice in men. Best if the moon applies to Mercury.

I will provide example charts in future blog posts whom I know personally and who illustrate the validity of this technique. I will write beneath each chart the aspect and the real story keeping each person anonymous of course.

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Solar Eclipse in Taurus/Aries

In tropical (seasonal) zodiac, this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Taurus.

In the sidereal (real stars) Zodiac, this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries.

In ancient astrology solar eclipses were a major omen for the fate of the country where they are visible. Below you can see the visibility of the coming eclipse. It is only seen in south America! In the future I will write about the interpretations of all eclipses in ancient times, however for now we will stick with just this individual eclipse!

Figure 1: Arc of 2022 Eclipse

This eclipse is taking place in the afternoon over south America – which means that these are the only land that it will effect. For the rest of the world this is only a pseudo eclipse – not a real one! Keep in mind that most eclipses are very bad omens, their energy is the energy of death. The light of the world is literally being swallowed!

The time of day shows when the eclipse’s influence will begin. In the afternoon (third Babylonian watch) they do not take effect for 3 years! The primary omen for the eclipse of 2022 April 30 in south America is, “The harvest will be bountiful and the Gods will be merciful to the land for ten years.” So we can expect that in the coming years the lands of southern south America (south of brazil) will begin to thrive. There is another omen for this eclipse which is, “the breastfed babies will thrive”, however there is a difficulty in the translation, Rumen Kolev has noted in his translation of the text LBAT 1499 that another possible meaning here is “The breastfed babies will die.”

Figure 2: LBAT 1499 Tablet Printed in Cuneiform

However, because the first omen appears to be a positive one – and these are quite rare for solar eclipses – we can assume that both omens are positive for life ahead in this part of the world.

So, do these omens apply to the rest of the world? The simple answer is no they don’t. In fact, I wouldn’t expect this eclipse to affect you on a personal very much unless you actually live in South America. There is always some slight influence, because the luminaries are in conjunction with the north node, so I will discuss them below.

The conjunction of the luminaries with the nodes gives power to the dark forces of our world. The nodes are two positions of the arch demons of ancient Greek mythology, Echidne and Typhos. The north node is Echidne and the south node is Typhos, Echidne is our desires and Typhos is our fears. These two figures and this mythological understanding can take you further in interpretation than any “specific” allocations can.

Thus, a north node eclipse will intensify human desire and greed/lust. This is the perfect time to meditate, turn within and see your darker side clearly. When the demons present themselves it is the perfect opportunity to slay them! Just like Apollo – Hekatos – the one who shoots a hundred arrows from afar straight at Echidne and takes his place as a divinity on Olympus forever. In Aries, the lust and greed which we are conquering is for, forward motion, violent independence.

This eclipse also receives the forward sextile of Mars in Aquarius near the sacred degrees of Babylonian Aquarius as it’s only major aspect from a real planet. The active positive aspect of Mars is beneficial for inspiration, leadership, energy, intensity, influence over people and strength, especially since the planet is in the waters of life from Aquarius – the sacred zone of wisdom. People will be awakening because of violence/bloodshed and whatever change that comes will be provided a lot of forward moving energy from heaven.

The time has come to surrender our anger and our connection to all things INNER – because nothing is outer – that are keeping us away from our spiritual sovereignty, which allows us to be in constant communion with Apollo – God himself! There is a powerful sense of new beginnings and forward motion in this eclipse. Seize the day!

To Olympus!

  1. Fred Espenak, 2022, “partial solar eclipse of 2022 APR 30”,
  2. Kolev R, 2012, “The Babylonian Astrolabe”
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Think You Know Saturn? Let’s Find Out!

In ancient astrology, things are much simpler. Everything has a definite meaning, and the accuracy is always startling. Here I will summarise the influence of Saturn through the houses and his major significations in ancient times, which is hard to find except in occulted ancient books.

Saturn is a day planet, meaning that he shows his best side when present in a day chart and his worst side when present in a night chart. This also applies to his aspects with other planets. If he makes an aspect to a night planet such as Moon, Mars or Venus, Saturn becomes particularly destructive. However, if he aspects day planets such as Jupiter, Mercury or the Sun, his manifestations will be primarily good ones. There is overlap in the following significations, but I split them up for simplicities sake.

In a day chart (sun above horizon/sun in the twelfth-eighth house), Saturn signifies, increases in wealth and status over time – the more time passed the more increases are made – the father, water, great power, influence, success after delays or trials, high positions, responsibility, ethics, morality, agriculture, dedication, seriousness, maturity, old age and leadership.

In a night chart (sun below the horizon/sun in the second-sixth house), Saturn signifies, bondage, imprisonment, losses to wealth and status, disgrace, hard work with little reward, slavery, beggars, old people, injury, punishment, tedious work, water, isolation, hatred of society, control-freaks, long-held grudges, neuroticism, fear, grief, sorrow, tears and sadness.

So, with all these significations in mind we must ask the question, what does that mean for me? The art of interpretation is very subtle, and I don’t believe it can ever be fully mastered, because this is the art and science of God, but we can get 90% of the way. Here I will lay out Saturn through the houses in a day chart first and second in a night chart. Refer to writings by Firmicus Maternus and Rhetorius and Dorotheus for more detailed descriptions – here I provide the foundations for understanding ancient astrology more deeply. Don’t worry if it doesn’t all make sense yet, it isn’t meant to 😊

Also understand that this is not only for us to use in our own chart interpretation – as I said this is not anywhere near enough information to draw any conclusions about any single chart AT ALL. So, if some descriptions seem scary, don’t worry they define nothing about you or your life. The primary use for this list is to see the different ways that Saturn manifests in each house and what we can understand about the meanings of both Saturn and each house as a result. This list can provide us with a platform from which we can begin to build our further interpretations. Also, pay attention to the differences between a day and a night chart. If you seek true knowledge, you must learn the system, not just bits and pieces and one day you will be amazed at your own ability to see concrete truths about people just from their charts.

Always remember: If you know the principle, you know everything. If you do not know the principle, you know nothing.

Saturn through the houses in a day chart:

First house: makes those who are first-born. successful people who tend towards arrogance. They will have a moderate position in society, but no harm will come to them from Saturn. They will be in charge of properties, buildings and estates and will be an authority in these things. They will be responsible, mature, and serious, with deep emotions and will be secretive, reserved and thinking carefully before they act. They will appear older than they really are, have strong boundaries, high ambition, slowly conquering their fears and suspicions of the rest of the world.

Second house: slow and gradual increases in their financial situation as well as the inheritance from their father. They will not begin life with a good income, but the more time that passes the more this income increases, however they will be unnoticed regarding this financial situation, and they will deny themselves pleasures or be low-spirited. Their livelihood may come from water or dampness.

Third house: The ancients say, Saturn in this house by day or by night will make people who search in vain for increases in finances through any means.

Fourth house: especially in a domicile of Jupiter, it shows people who discover hidden treasure. When it’s stationary it decreases the inheritance from their parents, with many family secrets and unexpected/hidden things occurring in the native’s life. It also can cause problems with their children – aspects from good planets will show the outcome of this.

Fifth house: They have many ups and downs in their youth and will achieve the full potential of their chart only after considerable delay. They will be given positions of command and leadership only after the long passage of time (most significant cycles of 30years).

Sixth house: Generally, Saturn and Mars are best off in the 12th and 6th house because these are the weakest houses. The ancients say Saturn in the sixth will reduce their wealth and property and make them fall sick often. These people can be erratic and never remain in one place for long. Sicknesses coming from wetness and coldness or problems in the bones.

Seventh house: many increases in wealth and possessions, a long old age and great wealth during this long old age. It can make people who are administrators of large amounts of money and property, though they will have distresses in youth and their marriage will encounter difficulties.

Eighth house: People who acquire wealth with the passage of time so they can assist others or some who acquire wealth and profit from death(s).

Ninth house: famous mages, renowned philosopher, astrologers, priests of great temples, always famous in their reputation for spirituality and magic. It makes great prophets, astrologers and psychics who are famous for their true predictions and interpretations and who’s inspiration is brought forth by some kind of a divine authority. They will persevere in worship and at temples and have great power in religious matters.

Tenth: makes emperors, people of high command, military power, and people of the highest authority. Good relation to a powerful sun makes honest entrepreneurs who acquire great wealth. It gives great glory and great inheritances. They have trouble or delays in marriage and with children but will die an easy death. Fond of farming. They are in the public service and have a happy old age.

Eleventh house: Bestows moderate goods in all areas. When the good of the chart manifests in the native’s life, they will enter to the same rank of social nobility and honour of their father. However, this manifestation can only happen after the thirtieth year of the native’s life. Before thirty years has passes the native loses whatever they acquire and cannot attain lasting dignity or possessions.

Twelfth house: Saturn in the twelfth is in its joy. This means that the native’s enemies will only be their enemies (enemies in the place of enemies). This placement will cause illnesses similar to Saturn in the sixth house and betrayal or crises from people who are of a lower class than the native. All these things are milder by day than by night.

In a night chart:

First house: gives sickness and weakness in the body. The native will constantly work hard and be worn out because of it. Some will work regarding water, but they will be very tired because of their jobs. They will be fearful of the world and desire control as a result.

Second house: illnesses and financial losses. Diminishes the family’s income or the inheritances of the native. It can harm the wife and children; however, this is not for certain. They will work very hard for their incomes.

Third house: The ancients say, Saturn in this house by day or by night will make people who search in vain for increases in finances through any means.

Fourth house: It can wound the native’s father or mean that the father will disappear quickly from their life. It will also mean that the native will receive a very small or no inheritance at all from their family.

Fifth house: over the passage of time (after peak dates like 30, 60 and 90), the native will gain some small good fortune (finances, leadership and reputation, family, children etc), but the native will have inconsistent strength of his body and will be lazy and slow.

Sixth house: Generally, Saturn and Mars are best off in the 12th and 6th house because these are the weakest houses. The ancients say Saturn in the sixth will reduce their wealth and property and make them fall sick often. These people can be erratic and never remain in one place for long. Sicknesses coming from wetness and coldness or problems in the bones.

Seventh house: It makes many illnesses especially if Mars makes an aspect. They have abscesses frequently and grief and sorrow because of their wives.

Eighth house: Creates loss of the inheritance from family and partners, but good planets make aspects they can have a good livelihood throughout their life, although troubles in marriage.

Ninth house: They will suffer the wrath of the king of their country as well as the religious powers. They will be knowledgeable about mysteries, philosophers, recluses, interpreters of dreams.

Tenth: Here Saturn will delay marriage or block it completely and will cause troubles with the health of the children – but they will be rescued from these troubles if good planets make an aspect. It denotes sorrows in general.

Eleventh house: Their business enterprises – their hopes and dreams – will come to them very slowly, or they will be slow in achieving them. It can also make the native to lose their own possessions, property and finances that they have acquired.

Twelfth house: Saturn in the twelfth is in its joy. This means that the native’s enemies will only be their enemies (enemies in the place of enemies). This placement will cause illnesses similar to Saturn in the sixth house and betrayal or crises from people who are of a lower class than the native. All these things are milder by day than by night.

I stress it again, NONE of these descriptions apply to you or me alone. They are a template for us to begin understanding the ancient system and the placement of one planet in a house is not enough to understand a whole chart – it’s not even enough to start guessing!

I have written this post to provide everyone with an opportunity to read at least some of the descriptions of the ancient authors for each planet in each house. This is a very important doctrine which is utterly priceless in my own practice (especially when you add on the aspects given by firmicus) as it provides the foundation for us to understand practical interpretations of a birth chart.

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Life or Death: The Most Important Teaching in Ancient Astrology

Morning MercuryEvening Mercury
Table Showing Which Planets Belong to Which Sect

This teaching goes by two names, and they mean the SAME thing. Often it is called “sect” but can also be called “hays”. You will hear ancient astrologers talk about whether a planet is IN sect/hays very often – if it IS in hays, it is showing its best self, if it is OUT of hays, it is showing its worst self.

There are 6levels of Hays. The first level is the most important and accounts for 70% of the hays of a planet. It is whether the chart is a day chart or a night chart. This is very easy to see – you simply look at where the sun is in the chart. If the sun is above the first house and the seventh house shown in Fig1, it is a day chart. If the sun is beneath the first house and the seventh house, it is a night chart as shown in figure 2.

Figure 1. A Day Chart   
            Figure 2. A Night Chart

The second level of hays which is about 10% is the quadrant of the chart the planet falls in. If the planet is between the ascendant and the MC it is in a day quadrant, between the MC and the seventh house (DC) it is in a night quadrant as illustrated below in figure 3.

Figure 3. The Hays of the Quadrants

The other levels of hays are much more difficult to represent graphically, but I will explain them here for those who are interested. You may also ask me any questions you have on my Instagram or by email at

The third level of hays is which SOLAR quadrant the planet is in. This is a more advanced technique, but only accounts for approx. 5% of the hays of a planet. In principle it is the same the second level of hays, except you use the sun as the ascendant and divide the zodiac into 90degree segments. From the conjunction with the sun to the first square is day, from the firs square to the opposition is night etc.

The fourth level of Hays is whether the planet is on the same side of the horizon as the sun. If it is a night chart (the sun is below the horizon), so if a planet is also below the horizon WITH the sun, it is on the day side of the horizon. If the sun is above the horizon and a planet is also above the horizon WITH the sun, it is on the day segment of the horizon. This is about 5% of the hays of a planet.

The fifth level of Hays is whether the sign is a day or a night sign. The signs alternate, the first sign Aries is a day sign, the second sign taurus is a night sign and it continues like this. This comes to about 5% of the hays of a planet.

The sixth level of Hays is whether you are a man or a woman. Men belong to the day sect and women belong to the night sect. This also comes to about 5% of the hays of a planet.

Now that your brain has been fried with details, let’s simplify this system and look at some practical examples. Below you will find two charts, figures 4 and 5. The first is the chart of my teacher, Rumen Kolev. The second is a chart of an anonymous character given in a lecture who spent 5years in prison!

Figure 4: The Chart of Rumen Kolev

Figure 5: Anonymous Chart of a Man Convicted to Prison

What you will notice about both these charts, is that both charts have Mars close to the MC. This is their defining characteristic. However, one chart belongs to one of the most notable astrological scholars of modern times and the other to a convict!

If you have learned this system of hays, you can recognise this difference immediately. Let’s find the sun! For chart 1 it is below the horizon but for chart 2 it is above the horizon! If you like, you can analyse the other levels of hays as well, however the most important is simply whether the chart is day or night. You only need to go the other levels for a very deep analysis.

In the ancient texts (firmicus maternus, mathesis, book 3 translated by James Herschel Holden) mars in the tenth house or MC is described as follows:

“If it is in a night chart, in its own domicile or a sign of Jupiter it will make the native exposed to many dangers and swindled in different ways. But nevertheless, it will make governors, generals, lords of life and death, and great magistrates over provinces and cities… but if it is found in the tenth house or MC by day, it makes ineffectual men who are hindered in many ways in everything they do; it signifies great damage and loss to their personal wealth. It makes natives who are judged as outlaws or persecuted by the law. It indicates burden of travel; compels some to flee or makes them exiles; it makes some to die abroad or in exile from their homeland.”

In general: By night, Mars in the tenth house gives leaders and courageous people who encounter dangers and swindling in their life but are still great and successful. But during the day it makes criminals and people who will face mostly misfortune.

Another example: below is my own chart, figure 7, the chart of J.F Kennedy in figure 8 and the chart of my mother, figure 9. You will notice all the charts are characterised by a powerful Saturn in the ninth or tenth house on the meridian (MC). To illustrate the power of hays let us read what firmicus says about Saturn on the meridian (equal to the tenth house) and then tell the real stories. It reads as follows:

“Saturn in the tenth house or on the MC by day will make emperors, military commanders or captains of the imperial bodyguard… it will give great assets, glory and inheritances from great people most especially if mars does not make aspect… if found in the tenth or MC by night it will cause the loss of inheritance, it will deny marriage, it will deny children, however if a good star makes aspect (Venus or Jupiter), the native will have in some part, children, marriage and inheritances. However, often Saturn in an angle at night kills the marriage partner, ruins the children and causes bitter pain and loss.”  

Figure 7: Saturn on MC by day (me!)

Figure 8: Saturn on MC by day – J.F. Kennedy

Figure 9: Saturn on MC by night (my mother)

Saturn in the tenth by day is very clear in its manifestation especially in the chart of JFK – it literally made him a king as described in firmicus. In my own chart… we will have to wait and see! I will discuss the omens of my own chart – as they are a great testament and example of practical ancient astrology – in another blog post.

My mother’s chart is a very interesting case! As you can see it is a night chart, Saturn is in the MC. However, Saturn also has a wide trine with her Venus – which is incredibly powerful – and a conjunction with Jupiter. We can interpret that she WILL be married and she will have children, however they will only come after great delay and there will be complications in their health which they will survive. Saturn creates the delay and the troubles with children.

The real story: Her inheritances were not ruined as Firmicus described, in fact they grew and are still growing today. We can thank the conjunction of Jupiter and trine of Venus for this! Also the wealth star Rukbat on her MC with Saturn indicates good income. As for marriage and children which Saturn so cruelly denies at night: She did not marry until she was 38 years old! Saturn delayed it greatly. Her first child (me) was happy and healthy. However, her second child was born 5 days before a solar eclipse! As you can imagine, disaster struck. My brother became sick with meningitis when he was five months old! 5days-5months. He did survive (thanks to trine from Venus and conjunction of Jupiter), but he became deaf as a result!

As you can see, the omens were quite accurate! It is lucky my mother had the aid of Zeus Jupiter and Venus to bring her through a trial which may have been much more tragic than it already was. Saturn gave her many delays and trials when it came to creating her own family, finding a partner and having children, however these things did come eventually, but were tainted with grief just as Firmicus describes.

Now you have a good understanding of the technical and practical side of the use of Hays in astrology. May it change your life forever and bring you great peace and the bliss of Olympus!

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True Astrology: Visible and Invisible Planets

What does it mean that planets change between visible and invisible? What are the implications of this for modern astrology and how we relate to the stars and planets? Let’s take a deep dive into the true ancient astrology!

All planets have what we call ‘Heliacal Phases’. The word Heliacal comes from the name Helios which is the name of the sun. So these phases relate to the planets position relative to the sun.

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The Path of Every Hero

The true spiritual path of all beings is to conquer their lower nature and return to the pure source which created them.

The divine Plato said in his Cratylus, “What better name for the Heroes? After all, they are ones who are born of Love.”

He refers to the root of the word ‘Heros’ in Greek being ‘eros’ the primordial God of Love who created all things in the universe. In the Neoplatonic view, a hero is not simply a bold warrior or a great general or king. A hero is actually the name for the spiritual masters of the time. In fact it is said that when great ‘heroes’ in Greece died, they were called great snakes. This is the title of the Buddha in India – a spiritual master!

The way I see things, each and every one of us has the potential to be a hero. That’s why we call it ‘the hero’s journey’. Which of course is the journey of Hercules depicted above through the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is also the many other stories of heros which are painted in the sky and have astrological meanings.

So let’s clear up one thing! The true nature of a hero is to conquer himself – his lower self – and embrace his highest incarnation which spreads love, purity, peace and selflessness. This is symbolised in the purification of Hercules. Hercules was not literally the strongest man to have every lived, but his will, courage and humility were the strongest to have ever existed. After all, he was a son of Zeus himself! Plato also says that we each have an affinity for one of the Gods in the greek pantheon and our soul is part of a group belonging to that God.

One clue to the God we belong to is the Almuten of your astrological chart! I offer this as a staple part of a reading with me, but we won’t go into it now. The key to all of this is that the events of Hercules’ life – or any hero or God for that matter – did not happen literally. They are symbols, deep and profound, of the spiritual journey every good man and woman must walk.

The emperor Julian himself said that even we so called ‘heathens’ don’t actually think that our mythology really happened. We are fully aware that they are symbolic of the journey of our spirit essence through the cycles of incarnation in this world and worlds beyond. Each of the twelve trials of Hercules corresponds to one of the signs of the zodiac.

According to Master Mikhail Aivanhov,

The trial of the great Boar of Erymanthus corresponds to the sign of Aries.

The trial of the Cretan Bull corresponds to the sign of Taurus

The trial of the King Diomedes is Gemini

The trial of the Ogre of Geryon is Cancer

The trial of the Nemean Lion is Leo

The trial of the Amazons is of course Virgo

The trial of the golden apples is Libra

The trial of the Hydra of Lerna is Scorpio

The trial of the Stymphalian birds is Sagittarius

The trial of the Brazen Hind is Capricorn

The trial of the Augean Stables is Aquarius

The trial of Theseus delivered from Hades is Pisces.

These are all debatable in different ways.

For example, I would say that Hydra of Lerna is in fact the sign of Cancer. Because when the sun (which is Hercules) enters the sign of Cancer, he is actually directly facing the head of the constellation of the Hydra. Behind the sun at this point is the constellation of Cancer (it’s still technically in the sign, but not the stars exactly) which is the crab. In the myth, Hercules faces the hydra head on with a torch and sword while a crab snips at his heels from behind.

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Discovering my Ruling Lords

A quick glance into the two Gods who rule my inner and outer life. These Gods have a highly personal connection to any native and they influence them massively! This is my experience.


Zeus is the God of Gods and the Lord of Olympus. He represents the spiritual One (along with Apollo and Athena in turn) and is thus a very spiritual Deity. He makes the native yearn for growth and their true purpose. These people are optimistic, spiritual, energetic and also have an air of authority about them. The influence of Zeus is to seek for the truth and he will not be satisfied with anything but the absolute!

My first brush with Zeus was in reading Plato’s Phaedrus where he briefly discusses that each God has a host of souls that follows them up Mt Olympus and each of us belongs to one of them. He only describes the ones who are souls from the hall of Zeus, but I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that this meant something for me. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions at the time, because it would have been acting on a fleeting intuition which has lead me astray many times before!

Thanking the Gods for Rumen Kolev and his revival of ancient astrology I soon discovered the concrete proof of what was foreshadowed by Plato himself and my own intuition of course. Zeus is my Almuten! He is the ruler of my chart, he rules it from his high seat in Aries and the ninth house increasing its spiritual influence making me an obsessive scholar of the ancient philosophy and spirituality even from the age of 19.

We can say that a person is like a miniature version of their Almuten. So I am a miniature Zeus. Zeus is a very masculine Almuten and can be slightly authoritative and demanding of others at times (he is the King of the Gods) as opposed to his counterpart Hera who is more yielding, but still a strong authoritative figure nonetheless. Zeus is ultimately a God of mercy, forgiveness and tolerance and bestows the native with these characteristics.

I communicate mentally with Zeus whenever I can and funnily enough, he communicates with me! Right after I discovered my Almuten, I saw two cars two days in a row in my neighborhood; one that had a number-plate reading ‘Z3US’ and the other one reading ‘Jup1ter’ (roman form of Zeus). This spooked me out slightly, but I’ve gotten used to these small synchronicities over the years and took it as a good omen!

I am still only beginning my journey with this incredible Being, so I will keep you updated on my story as I live it out!


The God of wine and blissful abandon! Dionysian in astrology is the divine form of Pan, Pan which is the raw and most basic sexual drive. Dionysian is a rebel! He will drink and party and enjoy himself all across the world, in anyone’s kingdom and even if there is horrible violence, death or disease it only adds to his exaltation. The Dionysian almuten person doesn’t care for rules, norms or other peoples feelings! He only cares about doing what he loves. So this represents a person who will follow their dream and their path no matter what barriers the world tries to put in their way. Dionysius rules the self-made person. No one helps this deity!

A part of my chart that every astrologer who has read for me picks up on, is my ‘repressed anger’ which is represented in the planet of Dionysian (come to a workshop and find out which planet this is!). I could never resonate with this idea that this position in my chart was difficult, I actually loved it! Dionysian was one of my favorite positions. I was always full of fire, drive and wanting to ‘take down the big bad guy’.

Lo’ and behold, he rules my inner world and emotions!

I had several other experiences with this deity. Going through a very dark and difficult phase in my life I used to walk on the streets late at night (used to?). And I remember distinctly being out under the stars, looking into the sky and being automatically drawn to one star in particular, over and over again. I even felt like he was talking to me! I felt like he was directly influencing and changing my energy field… Which he was.

Of course, I found out this was the very planet of Dionysian!

The aim of a Dionysian ruled person is to use their drive, passion and intense single-mindedness for a good cause. They must learn to practice inner peace as opposed to taking down the problem with strength or intelligence. They must strengthen their soul and temper their desires for vengeance.

This is my journey with Dionysius and I proud to call this, energetic, ecstatic and passionate deity one of my Almutens.

Want to find out YOUR almutens? Check out the mini reading under the services tab on my website and I’ll be honored to read for you!