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Think You Know Saturn? Let’s Find Out!

In ancient astrology, things are much simpler. Everything has a definite meaning, and the accuracy is always startling. Here I will summarise the influence of Saturn through the houses and his major significations in ancient times, which is hard to find except in occulted ancient books.

Saturn is a day planet, meaning that he shows his best side when present in a day chart and his worst side when present in a night chart. This also applies to his aspects with other planets. If he makes an aspect to a night planet such as Moon, Mars or Venus, Saturn becomes particularly destructive. However, if he aspects day planets such as Jupiter, Mercury or the Sun, his manifestations will be primarily good ones. There is overlap in the following significations, but I split them up for simplicities sake.

In a day chart (sun above horizon/sun in the twelfth-eighth house), Saturn signifies, increases in wealth and status over time – the more time passed the more increases are made – the father, water, great power, influence, success after delays or trials, high positions, responsibility, ethics, morality, agriculture, dedication, seriousness, maturity, old age and leadership.

In a night chart (sun below the horizon/sun in the second-sixth house), Saturn signifies, bondage, imprisonment, losses to wealth and status, disgrace, hard work with little reward, slavery, beggars, old people, injury, punishment, tedious work, water, isolation, hatred of society, control-freaks, long-held grudges, neuroticism, fear, grief, sorrow, tears and sadness.

So, with all these significations in mind we must ask the question, what does that mean for me? The art of interpretation is very subtle, and I don’t believe it can ever be fully mastered, because this is the art and science of God, but we can get 90% of the way. Here I will lay out Saturn through the houses in a day chart first and second in a night chart. Refer to writings by Firmicus Maternus and Rhetorius and Dorotheus for more detailed descriptions – here I provide the foundations for understanding ancient astrology more deeply. Don’t worry if it doesn’t all make sense yet, it isn’t meant to 😊

Also understand that this is not only for us to use in our own chart interpretation – as I said this is not anywhere near enough information to draw any conclusions about any single chart AT ALL. So, if some descriptions seem scary, don’t worry they define nothing about you or your life. The primary use for this list is to see the different ways that Saturn manifests in each house and what we can understand about the meanings of both Saturn and each house as a result. This list can provide us with a platform from which we can begin to build our further interpretations. Also, pay attention to the differences between a day and a night chart. If you seek true knowledge, you must learn the system, not just bits and pieces and one day you will be amazed at your own ability to see concrete truths about people just from their charts.

Always remember: If you know the principle, you know everything. If you do not know the principle, you know nothing.

Saturn through the houses in a day chart:

First house: makes those who are first-born. successful people who tend towards arrogance. They will have a moderate position in society, but no harm will come to them from Saturn. They will be in charge of properties, buildings and estates and will be an authority in these things. They will be responsible, mature, and serious, with deep emotions and will be secretive, reserved and thinking carefully before they act. They will appear older than they really are, have strong boundaries, high ambition, slowly conquering their fears and suspicions of the rest of the world.

Second house: slow and gradual increases in their financial situation as well as the inheritance from their father. They will not begin life with a good income, but the more time that passes the more this income increases, however they will be unnoticed regarding this financial situation, and they will deny themselves pleasures or be low-spirited. Their livelihood may come from water or dampness.

Third house: The ancients say, Saturn in this house by day or by night will make people who search in vain for increases in finances through any means.

Fourth house: especially in a domicile of Jupiter, it shows people who discover hidden treasure. When it’s stationary it decreases the inheritance from their parents, with many family secrets and unexpected/hidden things occurring in the native’s life. It also can cause problems with their children – aspects from good planets will show the outcome of this.

Fifth house: They have many ups and downs in their youth and will achieve the full potential of their chart only after considerable delay. They will be given positions of command and leadership only after the long passage of time (most significant cycles of 30years).

Sixth house: Generally, Saturn and Mars are best off in the 12th and 6th house because these are the weakest houses. The ancients say Saturn in the sixth will reduce their wealth and property and make them fall sick often. These people can be erratic and never remain in one place for long. Sicknesses coming from wetness and coldness or problems in the bones.

Seventh house: many increases in wealth and possessions, a long old age and great wealth during this long old age. It can make people who are administrators of large amounts of money and property, though they will have distresses in youth and their marriage will encounter difficulties.

Eighth house: People who acquire wealth with the passage of time so they can assist others or some who acquire wealth and profit from death(s).

Ninth house: famous mages, renowned philosopher, astrologers, priests of great temples, always famous in their reputation for spirituality and magic. It makes great prophets, astrologers and psychics who are famous for their true predictions and interpretations and who’s inspiration is brought forth by some kind of a divine authority. They will persevere in worship and at temples and have great power in religious matters.

Tenth: makes emperors, people of high command, military power, and people of the highest authority. Good relation to a powerful sun makes honest entrepreneurs who acquire great wealth. It gives great glory and great inheritances. They have trouble or delays in marriage and with children but will die an easy death. Fond of farming. They are in the public service and have a happy old age.

Eleventh house: Bestows moderate goods in all areas. When the good of the chart manifests in the native’s life, they will enter to the same rank of social nobility and honour of their father. However, this manifestation can only happen after the thirtieth year of the native’s life. Before thirty years has passes the native loses whatever they acquire and cannot attain lasting dignity or possessions.

Twelfth house: Saturn in the twelfth is in its joy. This means that the native’s enemies will only be their enemies (enemies in the place of enemies). This placement will cause illnesses similar to Saturn in the sixth house and betrayal or crises from people who are of a lower class than the native. All these things are milder by day than by night.

In a night chart:

First house: gives sickness and weakness in the body. The native will constantly work hard and be worn out because of it. Some will work regarding water, but they will be very tired because of their jobs. They will be fearful of the world and desire control as a result.

Second house: illnesses and financial losses. Diminishes the family’s income or the inheritances of the native. It can harm the wife and children; however, this is not for certain. They will work very hard for their incomes.

Third house: The ancients say, Saturn in this house by day or by night will make people who search in vain for increases in finances through any means.

Fourth house: It can wound the native’s father or mean that the father will disappear quickly from their life. It will also mean that the native will receive a very small or no inheritance at all from their family.

Fifth house: over the passage of time (after peak dates like 30, 60 and 90), the native will gain some small good fortune (finances, leadership and reputation, family, children etc), but the native will have inconsistent strength of his body and will be lazy and slow.

Sixth house: Generally, Saturn and Mars are best off in the 12th and 6th house because these are the weakest houses. The ancients say Saturn in the sixth will reduce their wealth and property and make them fall sick often. These people can be erratic and never remain in one place for long. Sicknesses coming from wetness and coldness or problems in the bones.

Seventh house: It makes many illnesses especially if Mars makes an aspect. They have abscesses frequently and grief and sorrow because of their wives.

Eighth house: Creates loss of the inheritance from family and partners, but good planets make aspects they can have a good livelihood throughout their life, although troubles in marriage.

Ninth house: They will suffer the wrath of the king of their country as well as the religious powers. They will be knowledgeable about mysteries, philosophers, recluses, interpreters of dreams.

Tenth: Here Saturn will delay marriage or block it completely and will cause troubles with the health of the children – but they will be rescued from these troubles if good planets make an aspect. It denotes sorrows in general.

Eleventh house: Their business enterprises – their hopes and dreams – will come to them very slowly, or they will be slow in achieving them. It can also make the native to lose their own possessions, property and finances that they have acquired.

Twelfth house: Saturn in the twelfth is in its joy. This means that the native’s enemies will only be their enemies (enemies in the place of enemies). This placement will cause illnesses similar to Saturn in the sixth house and betrayal or crises from people who are of a lower class than the native. All these things are milder by day than by night.

I stress it again, NONE of these descriptions apply to you or me alone. They are a template for us to begin understanding the ancient system and the placement of one planet in a house is not enough to understand a whole chart – it’s not even enough to start guessing!

I have written this post to provide everyone with an opportunity to read at least some of the descriptions of the ancient authors for each planet in each house. This is a very important doctrine which is utterly priceless in my own practice (especially when you add on the aspects given by firmicus) as it provides the foundation for us to understand practical interpretations of a birth chart.