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Solar Eclipse in Taurus/Aries

In tropical (seasonal) zodiac, this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Taurus.

In the sidereal (real stars) Zodiac, this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries.

In ancient astrology solar eclipses were a major omen for the fate of the country where they are visible. Below you can see the visibility of the coming eclipse. It is only seen in south America! In the future I will write about the interpretations of all eclipses in ancient times, however for now we will stick with just this individual eclipse!

Figure 1: Arc of 2022 Eclipse

This eclipse is taking place in the afternoon over south America – which means that these are the only land that it will effect. For the rest of the world this is only a pseudo eclipse – not a real one! Keep in mind that most eclipses are very bad omens, their energy is the energy of death. The light of the world is literally being swallowed!

The time of day shows when the eclipse’s influence will begin. In the afternoon (third Babylonian watch) they do not take effect for 3 years! The primary omen for the eclipse of 2022 April 30 in south America is, “The harvest will be bountiful and the Gods will be merciful to the land for ten years.” So we can expect that in the coming years the lands of southern south America (south of brazil) will begin to thrive. There is another omen for this eclipse which is, “the breastfed babies will thrive”, however there is a difficulty in the translation, Rumen Kolev has noted in his translation of the text LBAT 1499 that another possible meaning here is “The breastfed babies will die.”

Figure 2: LBAT 1499 Tablet Printed in Cuneiform

However, because the first omen appears to be a positive one – and these are quite rare for solar eclipses – we can assume that both omens are positive for life ahead in this part of the world.

So, do these omens apply to the rest of the world? The simple answer is no they don’t. In fact, I wouldn’t expect this eclipse to affect you on a personal very much unless you actually live in South America. There is always some slight influence, because the luminaries are in conjunction with the north node, so I will discuss them below.

The conjunction of the luminaries with the nodes gives power to the dark forces of our world. The nodes are two positions of the arch demons of ancient Greek mythology, Echidne and Typhos. The north node is Echidne and the south node is Typhos, Echidne is our desires and Typhos is our fears. These two figures and this mythological understanding can take you further in interpretation than any “specific” allocations can.

Thus, a north node eclipse will intensify human desire and greed/lust. This is the perfect time to meditate, turn within and see your darker side clearly. When the demons present themselves it is the perfect opportunity to slay them! Just like Apollo – Hekatos – the one who shoots a hundred arrows from afar straight at Echidne and takes his place as a divinity on Olympus forever. In Aries, the lust and greed which we are conquering is for, forward motion, violent independence.

This eclipse also receives the forward sextile of Mars in Aquarius near the sacred degrees of Babylonian Aquarius as it’s only major aspect from a real planet. The active positive aspect of Mars is beneficial for inspiration, leadership, energy, intensity, influence over people and strength, especially since the planet is in the waters of life from Aquarius – the sacred zone of wisdom. People will be awakening because of violence/bloodshed and whatever change that comes will be provided a lot of forward moving energy from heaven.

The time has come to surrender our anger and our connection to all things INNER – because nothing is outer – that are keeping us away from our spiritual sovereignty, which allows us to be in constant communion with Apollo – God himself! There is a powerful sense of new beginnings and forward motion in this eclipse. Seize the day!

To Olympus!

  1. Fred Espenak, 2022, “partial solar eclipse of 2022 APR 30”,
  2. Kolev R, 2012, “The Babylonian Astrolabe”
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