Your Lucky Stars: Fixed Stars


If you’ve been interested in astrology for a while but you feel like there is a big piece missing for some reason, most likely, that piece can be found in the fixed stars. A powerful star completely defines a chart, regardless of anything else taking place. If you haven’t had a clear description of your personal stars… well let’s just say you need one! So, you’ve come to right place.



“Just one bright star can make a glorious destiny.” -Hermes Trismegistus. Where are you going? what are you meant to do in this life? Will you succeed? Do you even want to succeed? These are some of the questions every self-aware being with opposable thumbs asks themselves eventually! i.e you and me. These are also the questions that we find answers to in astrology! Clarity is key – the sky and it’s messages are beyond intuitive nudges, it’s a science.

To the ancient sage, the stars were a cornerstone of chart. To me, they are its very foundation. Without them a reading is barely even the skeleton of the person’s life. In fact, some charts are completely defined by the stars and depend on them almost absolutely.  The report details each of the persons major fixed stars as used by ancient astrologers for thousands of years. An example description of the star Spica is given in the images below.

The fixed stars report offers an affordable alternative to a full reading – and depending on your chart the fixed stars may give you even more clarity than a full reading!

If you’ve been interested in astrology for a while but you feel like there is a big piece missing for some reason, most likely, that piece can be found in the fixed stars. A powerful star completely defines a chart, regardless of anything else taking place. If you haven’t had a clear description of your personal stars… well let’s just say you need one! So, you’ve come to right place.

This report is written out by me not a program 🙂 Astrology given purely by a computer program is essentially useless. Even a broken clock is right twice!


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