12-month Forecast | The Royal Reading


See your near future written out in detail, month by month exactly how the ancient emperors had it done! Live in harmony and peace with the flow of energy in your life by reconnecting to your source-guidance with this invaluable map of your coming year.


Have you ever wondered how the great mages of the ancient world provided predictions to the ancient emperors and nobles? Well, this is your chance to not only find out how this was done, but to experience it firsthand for yourself.

Step into the shoes of a great emperor or empress and see the year ahead of you! This offer provides highly accurate predictions for tangible cycles in your immediate future. You will get validation and confirmation about things you already feel are coming and will be forewarned about any troubles that may occur. In this way, you can rest easy knowing that you are living in the perfect alignment with your own divine journey – through good and through bad.

With this faith in your own future, you will be armed with a deep sense of peace, regardless of what lies ahead. Very often you will be pleasantly surprised just as the medieval emperor Maximilian the first – shaking in his boots facing an army of 120thousand men. He received the prediction of great victory. And he had his victory! In fact, he had a force of only 800men, but was still victorious. Can you imagine the odds!

This reading includes an overview of the year ahead as well as a month-by-month breakdown of all 12-months in the year all personally hand-written by me – no templates or programs! – which takes about 5hours in total of my time. This is the most accurate, detailed and specific form of reading you can have bar having an astrologer on call 24/7. It is a priceless gem which I hope you will treasure!


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