Ideal Spouse




We all have certain astrological signs that we absolutely MUST avoid. Whether it be relationships, friendships or even business partnerships. There are also signs we should seek out deliberately. The ideal spouse report details all of them in a simply and clear fashion.

Many times when people come to me for relationship readings (Should I be with this person?), the answers are quite clear. NO! or YES! All they needed was some simple knowledge of which signs would be lucky for them and which would be unlucky. I’ll tell you now, if they had this information in their back pocket, many misfortunes could be avoided!

The summary is based on the balance of good/bad planets and the phases of your Venus. You’ll come out knowing which Rising, Moon and Sun signs you should seek out or avoid. It’s simple knowledge, but because it’s been lost I’m one of few people who can share it with you. I hope it serves you and blesses your future.

This report is written out by me not a program 🙂 Astrology given purely by a computer program is essentially useless. Even a broken clock is right twice!


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