Life Overview: Primary Directions


The Story of your life outlined in its major events and periods.




Each of us has a unique mission on earth and a profound story which unfolds through major events and periods in our life. Where can we go to see these “chapters”? Two places… The Akasha and the Sky!  What I can show you is your sky. Faith, stability, clarity and hope – this is the gift astrology has brought to me. May it bless you as well!

“Primary Directions”. An uninformative, academic and frankly irritating terminology – even for me! What are these “directions” and why are the primary? Is it north and south? How unhelpful can you get. I fully agree with you – it’s a problem I wish I could rectify by myself. The best I can do for now is to explain this ancient mystery and how it’s going to help your journey!

The simplest description is that they are the chapter titles of the book of your life. To the ancient mind each chart is seen as a story, of which there are several different types. Tragedy, comedy, heroica etc. The process of the unfolding of the major chapters of your life is shown most clearly in the PD’s. Major, life defining events and periods. You may have been through a nasty breakup and are now in an unstable place where you’re trying to discover what to do with your life. You may have just launched a business and are surprised with how well it’s doing. These are all things clearly outlined in the first page of the book of your destiny.

Primary Directions are based on the philosophy of the fundamental structure of the universe. Studying this technique actually provides evidence of the fractal and cyclical form of our world. PD’s work like this: Take the minute of your birth – now move the chart forward or backward in time 4-MODERN minutes for every 1year of life. So, if I am born at 11:18 and Mars reaches conjunction with the ascendant four minutes later at 11:22 – this primary direction will activate when I am 1 year old. Secondary progressions are based on the exact same theory – one day=one year of life. If you know of profections, they are based on two MODERN hours = 1year of life. For an explanation of these numbers please look at my Instagram highlight “primaries”. @olympusastrology

They are called “primary” because in history they have always been the first technique used when making predictions – unlike today where transits are always used. The word direction just refers to the fact that the planets are moved in one or the other direction depending on the hemisphere of the chart they’re in.

Below you can see an example of what this report looks like and make sure it’s what you want to order. Keeping in mind that it is only a piece of a report – so it’s hard for me to be truly specific and some evets may seem to repeat like marriage. Please DO NOT take any of what is written as literal or at face value. It can be extremely accurate, but it is also intended as primarily a guide. This report is best for people with a background in astrology and a very accurate birth time.

Overview of the major events and chapter of the story of your life! Each one of us has a unique story flavored by the nature of God(s) within us. The chapters of which are shown in the primary directions!





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