1 hour Session | Birth Chart


Relationship charts are a mess in modern astrology. One simple technique can change all of that. For lovers who want to know which partnerships the goddess has blessed for them and when they should take action!


The Spiritus Sancti, the sacred breath in which dwells the holy spirit. It is the sacred moment, the first breathe after birth which imprints the stellar influences in our aura and sets out our destiny. That’s why the map of our destiny is in the stars at the moment of birth – it is actually the moment of our first breath.

This reading is for you if you want to know your destiny and eventually by the fourth session, if you choose to go that far, to know what your main purpose is on this earth. Best for you if you’re ready for a new, refreshing breath of air without the lesser scents of modernity polluting it. If you want to go beyond the vague psychological uncertainties of the more recent styles of astrology and step into the realm of knowledge. To give you an idea of the difference in depth of these two styles, look at the images below. On the left is a classic modern chart, on the right is an ancient chart.

Ancient astrology is a different ballpark entirely. Its aim is to understand destiny – to be accurate. To see clearly into the invisible and tell you with as much precision as possible exactly what is going to happen to you in your life. I DO NOT do psychological astrology. Psychology is a part of what I do, but it is much less important to me than my job as an astrologer… as a predicter of future events and a seer into the invisible.

The reading includes:

  • 1 hour overview of your birth chart
  • Description of major events and life trajectory including success, career, marriage/relationships, children, legacy,
  • full recording of the session
  • Powerful stars which influence your fate, your most important planet and it’s description (almuten)
  • herbs, metals and crystals which are sympathetic to your astrological chart
  • spiritual book recommendations tailored to your individual path
  • First session will focus on material situations, events and outcomes in your life.

The second session if you choose to book a second, will focus on the spiritual background of your soul, mystical tests, lessons, and the path you came here to walk (this is a popular favorite). This has to wait for the second hour in order for me to have enough insight into your material life to see how the spiritual and material paths are connected.

The third session will be a union of the mythological, spiritual, material elements of your chart with the personal information I’ve gained about you.

By the Fourth hour I am certain to have enough info that I can confidently tell you about your purpose on this earth.


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