The Story

Astrologer, Artist, Disciple.

Welcome to Olympus! The heavenly spheres where all things can be seen as they really are. The worlds of Truth. I’ve spent most of my adult life searching for this Truth, this Olympus. A teaching which provides answers to all of life’s questions; a system of initiation into the divine world. A map of the threads of creation which perfectly blends theory and practice providing insight into the unseen world AND observable results in the physical world. When I turned 21, I found my answer: “Ancient” Astrology.

“Ancient” Astrology –

a Gift from God and His Saints

My first true encounter with astrology was when I was 15, reading a report my mother ordered for me when I was born. Initially, I loved it. It resonated so deeply with me, that these fundamental archetypes were real and active in daily life.

However, I was eventually disappointed that it didn’t go any deeper than just my personality. I felt such a deep sense of purpose in the depth of my chest and nothing I read fully satisfied it. I read and reread this document, but I would only get more confused and unclear within the hall of mirrors that is the twilight world of the unconscious

I knew I was here to do something big, so why didn’t the science of the stars, the language of God himself reveal it clearly? So, whilst I continued believing astrology had an essence, I put it away for almost 6 years. In that 6years I studied Astro-theology, Plato, Pythagoras, and the Golden line of ancient sages in the west.

Gates to my Path

Then, after I built this foundation in ancient philosophy, I was ready. Some angel arranged it in the perfect storm – I was ushered back onto the path of astrology and then… I lost my job! After some soul-searching, incredible synchronicity, and deep reflection, I decided I would work for myself. I would follow in the footsteps of these greatest of men who lived thousands and thousands of years before me. I would be an astrologer, whatever it took. This was the turning point – my teacher, Rumen Kolev came into my life. He brought together all that I had learned prior and made sense of it in the context of astrology. Not just theoretically, but philosophically and most important, observably in real life predictions. When theory manifests in practice – that is when you have understanding! It was in this system, and only this system, where the sense of purpose beating in my breast, that ever-present and oh-so-tangible lifelong intuition of mine was affirmed.

The Golden Age of Astrology:

hat we have today, is the complete system. It is a form of astrology which shows, not only the persons material, physical destiny, but also their spiritual destiny. In modern astrology, there are no ‘Bad’ signs. In fact, some astrologers might even get upset if you use the word “bad!” But is this logical? It’s true, God hides divine blessings inside even the deepest darkness. But in order for us to see the depth of the blessing we have to first acknowledge that it is truly dark! For my contemporaries, Pisces is not a bad sign and Leo is not a good sign – they have “light” and “dark” manifestations. But once again, shouldn’t the science of God reveal clearly whether a being belongs to the light or the dark? The answer is yes, and it does. But the modern style is a far cry from the divine revelation given by the Gods to the first Hermes in ancient times. It is no longer the language of the Gods. It’s at the most ancient root, the source of our civilizations where the first initiates planted their seeds that we can find our truly, ‘holy’ science.

In ancient astrology there is a clear delineation between ‘good and bad’, ‘masculine and feminine’ etc. It’s from the building blocks of these absolutes that the subtlety of the divine language can be unveiled.

A golden age is on the horizon for us all. May the gift of this divine science be treasured and used only for the good of the human race.

Love and Wisdom,

Julian Ahonen