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Discovering my Ruling Lords

A quick glance into the two Gods who rule my inner and outer life. These Gods have a highly personal connection to any native and they influence them massively! This is my experience.


Zeus is the God of Gods and the Lord of Olympus. He represents the spiritual One (along with Apollo and Athena in turn) and is thus a very spiritual Deity. He makes the native yearn for growth and their true purpose. These people are optimistic, spiritual, energetic and also have an air of authority about them. The influence of Zeus is to seek for the truth and he will not be satisfied with anything but the absolute!

My first brush with Zeus was in reading Plato’s Phaedrus where he briefly discusses that each God has a host of souls that follows them up Mt Olympus and each of us belongs to one of them. He only describes the ones who are souls from the hall of Zeus, but I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that this meant something for me. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions at the time, because it would have been acting on a fleeting intuition which has lead me astray many times before!

Thanking the Gods for Rumen Kolev and his revival of ancient astrology I soon discovered the concrete proof of what was foreshadowed by Plato himself and my own intuition of course. Zeus is my Almuten! He is the ruler of my chart, he rules it from his high seat in Aries and the ninth house increasing its spiritual influence making me an obsessive scholar of the ancient philosophy and spirituality even from the age of 19.

We can say that a person is like a miniature version of their Almuten. So I am a miniature Zeus. Zeus is a very masculine Almuten and can be slightly authoritative and demanding of others at times (he is the King of the Gods) as opposed to his counterpart Hera who is more yielding, but still a strong authoritative figure nonetheless. Zeus is ultimately a God of mercy, forgiveness and tolerance and bestows the native with these characteristics.

I communicate mentally with Zeus whenever I can and funnily enough, he communicates with me! Right after I discovered my Almuten, I saw two cars two days in a row in my neighborhood; one that had a number-plate reading ‘Z3US’ and the other one reading ‘Jup1ter’ (roman form of Zeus). This spooked me out slightly, but I’ve gotten used to these small synchronicities over the years and took it as a good omen!

I am still only beginning my journey with this incredible Being, so I will keep you updated on my story as I live it out!


The God of wine and blissful abandon! Dionysian in astrology is the divine form of Pan, Pan which is the raw and most basic sexual drive. Dionysian is a rebel! He will drink and party and enjoy himself all across the world, in anyone’s kingdom and even if there is horrible violence, death or disease it only adds to his exaltation. The Dionysian almuten person doesn’t care for rules, norms or other peoples feelings! He only cares about doing what he loves. So this represents a person who will follow their dream and their path no matter what barriers the world tries to put in their way. Dionysius rules the self-made person. No one helps this deity!

A part of my chart that every astrologer who has read for me picks up on, is my ‘repressed anger’ which is represented in the planet of Dionysian (come to a workshop and find out which planet this is!). I could never resonate with this idea that this position in my chart was difficult, I actually loved it! Dionysian was one of my favorite positions. I was always full of fire, drive and wanting to ‘take down the big bad guy’.

Lo’ and behold, he rules my inner world and emotions!

I had several other experiences with this deity. Going through a very dark and difficult phase in my life I used to walk on the streets late at night (used to?). And I remember distinctly being out under the stars, looking into the sky and being automatically drawn to one star in particular, over and over again. I even felt like he was talking to me! I felt like he was directly influencing and changing my energy field… Which he was.

Of course, I found out this was the very planet of Dionysian!

The aim of a Dionysian ruled person is to use their drive, passion and intense single-mindedness for a good cause. They must learn to practice inner peace as opposed to taking down the problem with strength or intelligence. They must strengthen their soul and temper their desires for vengeance.

This is my journey with Dionysius and I proud to call this, energetic, ecstatic and passionate deity one of my Almutens.

Want to find out YOUR almutens? Check out the mini reading under the services tab on my website and I’ll be honored to read for you!

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