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7 Reasons Why One Reading Can Change Your Life Forever

Click here for the free guide to each of the LORDS of the chart and a taste of what a full reading is like! (Almuten Guide)

Reason Number 1: My readings are grounded in HOW you can work with the challenges you’re being faced with and how you can make the most of your blessings. I also help you to see things from the most spiritual perspective! Ancient astrology shows us many deep spiritual truths and how we are each related to them.

With this wisdom I’ll not only help you put your life in context and work with each blessings and challenge, but also share the timeless spiritual wisdom of our ancient forefathers.

Reason Number 2: The purpose of our ancient art is to liberate the soul from suffering. This depth allows me to show you the true spiritual meaning behind events in your life. I can show you when your soul was or will be tested, how it was/will be tested and how you can use these times (challenges and great successes) to be less attached to the material world!

Vettius Valens said, “The purpose of astrology is to give us peace at all times. When you know your future you will not be depress

ed by misfortune or over-excited by good fortune. You will find peace regardless of the circumstances.”

Reason Number 3: Unless you’ve been living under a rock – like me five years ago – you know that your astrology is the blueprint of your very SOUL!

What that means is that it will not change as long as you live in the body you’re in now. Therefore, any information that is given to you in a reading will be relevant for your whole life in one form or another.

Reason Number 4: Astrology provides insight into your psychology, trauma, upbringing and deeper wounds that years of therapy struggles to uncover. I went through years of research, self reflection and formal therapy in order to come to the same conclusion I was given in just ONE 45minute astrology session!

How’s that for unfair!!!

Reason Number 5: I will help you to ZOOM OUT and see your life in terms of the karmic lessons you were born to learn. This is an amazing way to improve your self-compassion, understanding and self-love!

Once I started studying ancient astrology I was able to see the events in my life in the proper perspective and accept that they happened for my BLESSING rather than my pain. Because I know my future I understand my past and am peace with my present.

Reason Number 6: The information involved in a reading is very quickly and easily communicated. Meaning that in the space of 1hour we can cover many of the major themes of your life and you’ll have it all recorded to review as many times as you like!

Reason Number 7: Ancient astrology gives a fantastic and simple template to start breaking down the themes in your life: were you born in the day or the night time?

Knowing this one factor instantly tells me where to look for your greatest blessing and your greatest challenge in this life and how to harness each one of them!

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